martedì 21 ottobre 2014

Word Wangler Vocabulary Game

Word Wrangler Vocabulary Game

Here's a smart and fun vocabulary game for various levels.

Try to solve these vocabulary problems by choosing from the menu.
Follow the instructions for each game.

Click here to go to the British Council Word Wrangler link

Improve your knowledge of English pronunciation

Improve your knowledge of English pronunciation

Practise with this British Council Phonemic Chart

You can try it out online at the address in the link below or download your own app from App Store

Vocabulary for speaking fluency

Vocabulary for speaking fluency - Phrasal Verbs

What happens when you're stuck for the right verb in conversation? Maybe it's a phrasal verb that you're looking for, but there are so many.

Start building your own personal range of phrasal verbs by understanding them better. Watch these short videos offered by Anglo-Link.

Phrasal Verbs YouTube video 1

Phrasal Verbs YouTube video 2

Phrasal Verbs Youtube video 3

martedì 14 ottobre 2014



We make the passive using ‘be’ – in a suitable tense – and the past participle (‘done’, ‘played’ etc.). We use the passive:
1) … when we don’t know, or we are not interested in, who does an action.
  • My car was stolen yesterday.
We don’t know who stole the car.
  • A lot of wine is produced in France.
It’s not important who produces the wine.

2) … when the main topic of the sentence isn’t who did the action.
  • Television was invented in the 1920s by John Logie Baird.
The main topic here is television – we aren’t particularly interested in ‘who’.
  • Kennedy was assassinated in 1963.
In English we tend to put the most important thing at the start of the sentence.

3) … more in written English than in spoken English.
  • War and Peace was written by Tolstoy.
You often see the passive in textbooks.
  • The mixture is heated to 500˚C.
Scientific texts especially use the passive.


The passive can be used with all tenses - the form of ‘be’ changes.
  • What is tiramisu made from?. Present Simple.
  • The hall is being painted this week so our class will be in a different room. Present Continuous.
  • Oranges have been grown here for centuries. Present Perfect.
  • When he got home he found that his flat had been burgled. Past Perfect.
  • The work won’t be finished until next week. Future Simple.
Modal verbs also use ‘be’ and the past participle.

lunedì 6 ottobre 2014


Halloween Vocabulary

As Halloween approaches, be prepared by brushing up on your vocabulary. Don't let spelling SCARE you.

Try this fun spelling game from British Council. Click the link below.

sabato 4 ottobre 2014

Changes to Advanced Certificate

Changes to Advanced Certificate 2015

Have you been asking yourself how Advanced test papers are changing for 2015?

Check out the official Cambridge English website for updated details on the changes to test papers for the year 2015.

Changes to First Certificate 2015

Changes to First Certificate 2015

Have you been asking yourself how First test papers are changing for 2015?

Check out the official Cambridge English website for updated details on the changes to test papers for the year 2015.

Click here to see changes to First Certificate