sabato 5 maggio 2012

Fragments of an empire

Fragments of an empire
English speaking UK territories outside Great Britain

How strange it is to take one step forward and find yourself in a totally different country. On reflection, I'd like to have little territories in each country. Think about the benefits for everyone. Wouldn't it be great to have little states within the state. This is exactly how it felt for me when I visited Gibraltar last Easter.
As soon as I'd crossed the border, I found myself in familiar surroundings. There was an English bus with an English speaking bus driver. The price of a ticket was 1.50 - one pound and fifty pence. The shops were English, the traffic lights were English, the money was English, and the language was English.
Just how far do you have to travel from Catania to experience a similar environment. Well, there's Sigonella just 30 km away. But for a real English colony feeling you could go to Malta. Although no longer British, Malta has retained tradition and, of course, the language. It is one of the many territories scattered around the world where English is spoken on a daily basis.
Gibraltar is still part of the Crown today. Take a look at the YouTube link below to discover just how far the empire still stretches across the globe today.